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Daycare center, therapist office, at-home daycare center, at-home school, rural school, or an education facility that works with young children who appear to have behavioral problems, also known as externalizing behaviors. In that case, our services might be for you.


In our Behavioral Service, we screen children ages 2-14 for externalizing behaviors (i.e., anxiety, depression) and refer them to a parent-child therapist and/or appropriate mental health professional. 


How it works:

1. We meet develop a parent permission plan & screening date/s.

2. Your school sends screening information and parent/caregiver permission sheets to parents.

3. Amygdala Co conducts in-person or remote student screening.

4. Amygdala Co tracks the data and provides de-identified behavioral data to your company and behavioral referrals to families. 


Post testing schools/facilities will have access to:



Why is this de-identified behavioral data important?


As a business that serves children, we must protect confidentiality while passing on knowledge. If the majority of our children are suffering from externalizing behaviors (i.e., Shouting, hitting), then our society must know so we have a chance to fix the problem.


By behavioral screening students, your facility will be leading edge in helping our society identify problem behaviors early in life. 


If a child has behavioral problems and the family wants help, Amygdala Co will connect the family to a PCIT or behavioral therapist for therapy.


Note: If you are a parent, and need testing services for your child, contact us.

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