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You are an amazing human, enjoy life

Pregnant Woman in Nature

Questions when changing behaviors.


  • What is our self-worth?


  • Where do we want to be in 1 year?


  • What can we do right now to start changing behaviors?

Learning to control anger and frustration will produce better life outcomes. 

Prenatal Yoga
Hatha Class

Next time we get upset:

Stop; Pause the mind.

What does this mean?

Pretend we are a statue that can’t explode only breathe...


This technique is best used sparingly and as a first step. Our goal is to effectively communicate, rather than shut down. 

The best way to proceed is with a clear mindset

Mother and Baby Exercising

Exercise: If we are able to do pushups, air squats, arm circles, jump, run in place, stretching, and/or physical activities to get our energy out, we will begin to calm down and think clearly

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